

Age: 50ish
Place: Somewhere in west coast of Italy, maybe Positano
Drinking wine alone on a cliff restaurant enjoying sunset
Fragile playing on the background, live music maybe? Better with Sting himself..


Kamu yang kuat ya hatiku sayang!
Katanya Tuhan tidak memberikan cobaan yang tidak sanggup kita hadapi..
Dan selalu ada kemudahan setelah kesulitan...

Beberapa hari yang lalu membaca artikel tentang ditemukannya secret memoir Bill Cunningham. Jadi teringat film dokumentari nya. Waktu menontonnya bisa jelas terlihat passion beliau akan profesinya sebagai street-fashion photographer.

Saya teringat sekali ketika selesai menonton itu, ada perasaan sedih yang terbawa. Bill Cunningham hidup sendiri hingga akhir hayatnya. Pikiran pun melayang tentang bagaimana dia mengatasi masa-masa sulit hidupnya, ketika ia sakit, ketika ia tertimpa musibah, ketika ia kehilangan teman dan orang-orang terdekatnya. He must had really tough times going through all that. That leaves me with sadness. On the other side though, he must be super strong! That's why I admire him! (apart from his amazing work of course)

Where do we find the strength we need?
Most of the time we are strong because we know there is always someone or something that supports us. Doesn't this mean that we put our strength somewhere else? Is that even wise? What if that someone or something is gone? 

So if you want to be strong, stand on your own! You don't need anyone to make you strong!

Jadi nggak usah cari pacar ya.. nggak usah nikah sampai mati.. haha


Kok titiba pengen adopsi anak. Mungkin dari India. Jadi single parent.
Tapi kayaknya egois sekali ya, kasihan anaknya dibesarkan dengan tidak ada ibu.

Tapi terus mikir, ngurus diri sendiri aja nggak bisa. Belagu amat mau adopsi-adopsi an.



Kalau besok adalah hari terakhirmu di dunia ini....


kamu bakal ngapain hari ini?
kamu bakal ngapain sama orang tua dan keluargamu?
kamu bakal ngomong apa sama suami/istri dan anak-anakmu?
kamu bakal bakal ngapain sama teman-temanmu?
kamu bakal ngomong apa ke orang yang kamu anggap musuh seumur hidup mu itu?
kamu bakal ngomong apa sama orang yang kamu suka, tapi nggak pernah berani ngomong ke dia?
kamu bakal ngomong apa sama mantan pacar/suami/istri mu?
kamu bakal ngapain sama teman lama yang sudah hampir kamu lupakan?
kamu bakal ngomong apa sama tukang gojek yang ngantar kamu hari ini?
kamu bakal tidur nggak hari ini?


Posting lagi setelah 9 tahun setelah disemangati MONSTERBUAYA

Hello World!

Saya sudah tidak ingat kalau saya punya blog ini. Tapi monsterbuaya baru saja mengingatkan saya tentang blog ini karena dia ingin membaca sesuatu selain berita dan buku.

Ya udah, saya nulis lagi ya.

Kebetulan beberapa hari lalu saya mengontak teman untuk mengajarkan saya menulis. Karena saya selalu merasa kesulitan untuk menerjemahkan apa yang ada di pikiran saya ke dalam bentuk tulisan. Entah mengapa. Setiap dibaca ulang, tulisannya berasa jelek sekali. Tapi dia bilang, nggak usah terlalu dipikirin, mulai menulis aja.

Ya sudah saya coba menulis lagi. Saya tidak akan meminta maaf kalau tulisannya jelek. Rasain sendiri ya..

Ini saya tulis 2 hari lalu. Tadinya ingin menerima tantangan dari teman saya untuk menulis cerita 100 kata. Tapi ternyata lebih dari 100 kata. Biarin ya...


I was always afraid to do this because I wasn’t sure what I was expecting. 
I remember the first time I met you. “You should just come in. These people don’t care if you’re a tourist or not.” You came from the corner after smoking your cigarette when I was trying to record the live music from outside the gallery. I was blocking the door for you without realizing it.
“Come”, as you put off your cigarette on the bin before you lead me to come inside. 
That was five years ago. The good thing about the past is you can’t do anything about it anymore, it’s all in your choice now whether you want to smile or cry about it.  I guess this realization that made me finally have the courage to do this. Yes, it took me this long. I just hope it won’t be too painful to see the city and all the places again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we will be landing shortly in Fiumicino International Airport….”


The Boy's Gone*)

The boy's gone. The boy's gone home.
The boy's gone. The boy's gone home.

What will happen to a face in the crowd when it finally gets too crowded.
And what will happen to the origins of sound after all the sounds have sounded
Well I hope I never have to see that day but by god I know it's headed our way
So I better be happy now that the boy's going home.
The boy's gone home.

And what becomes of a day for those who rage against it
And who will sum up the phrase for all left standing around in it

Well I suppose we'll all make our judgement calls
We'll walk it alone, stand up tall, then march to the fall
So we better be happy now that we'll all go home.
That we'll all go home.

Be so happy with the way you are
Just be happy that you made it this far
Go on be happy now.
Please be happy now.

Because you say that this, this is something else (alright)
I say that this, this is something else (well alright)
I say that this, oh, this is something, this is something else

Well I tried to live my life and lived it so well
But when it's all over is it heaven or is it hell
So I better be happy now that no one can tell, nobody knows
I'm gonna be happy with the way that I am
I'm gonna be happy with all that I stand for
I'm gonna be happy now because the boy's going home.

The boy's gone home.

Yeah the boy's gone home.
Yeah the boy's gone home.Yeah the boy's gone home.

*) Jason Mraz

Scene: Age: 50ish Place: Somewhere in west coast of Italy, maybe Positano Drinking wine alone on a cliff restaurant enjoying sunset F...